South Carolina medical debt may lead to bankruptcy consideration

On Behalf of | Jun 28, 2016 | Medical Debt |

Facing a medical emergency of any kind can be a terrifying and stressful situation. Parents in particular may feel this way when it is their children who have been seriously injured or become ill. In addition to worrying about the health and well-being of their children, South Carolina parents in such situations may also have to deal with the stress of mounting medical debt.

There is such a case currently taking place in another state. Reports stated that a 16-month-old toddler was playing outside when his mother noticed that he may have injured himself. The child had been trying to step over a brick when his mother saw him flinch and thought he had scratched his foot. However, she later saw that his foot was bleeding and swelling, and she took the child to the emergency room.

While there, it was determined that the child had been bitten by a venomous snake and needed 16 anti-venom treatments. The costs of these treatments alone put their bills at approximately $50,000. There are also expenses relating to the ER visit, medical transfers and time spent in intensive care not included in that sum. It was noted that the family does not have insurance, and though a fund has been set up to help with expenses, only $5,000 had been raised at the time of the report. 

Facing hardships due to medical debt is unfortunately not uncommon, and many families could find themselves in situations similar to the one this family must handle. If the debt becomes too overwhelming, considering bankruptcy may be a step to take. South Carolina residents who are interested in such an option in hopes of handling their medical debt may wish to gather more information on their potential avenues.

Source: NBC Washington, “Parents Struggle With Medical Costs After Virginia Toddler Bitten by Copperhead Snake”, David Culver and Ellie Hartleb, June 24, 2016

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