You can take action against threats of foreclosure

On Behalf of | Dec 29, 2016 | Chapter 13 |

Unfortunate circumstances can have a negative toll on various areas of life, including your finances. An emergency or unexpected expense can quickly impact your ability to meet your financial obligations, including your mortgage. After months of missed payments, you are hopelessly behind, overwhelmed, and you may be facing threats of foreclosure.

The threat of losing your home is a daunting prospect, but that is not your only option. If you cannot catch up on your own and fear that the threats of foreclosure may come true, you can benefit from wage earner’s bankruptcy, also known as Chapter 13. Consumer bankruptcy may offer you the solution you need to your financial problems, as well as provide a reprieve from creditor harassment.

The benefits and protection of Chapter 13 bankruptcy

People often overlook bankruptcy as a viable choice to their debt problems, but, in reality, it offers the ability to actively confront debt in an organized manner and eventually obtain a fresh financial start. For many consumers facing threats of foreclosure, Chapter 13 is the best option, offering the following benefits:

  • More categories of debts are eligible for discharge in Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
  • Chapter 13 can allow for the discharge or elimination of debt related to taxes, car notes, mortgages, child support and more.
  • The applicant can negotiate a plan to pay off debt at a fraction of the cost over a period of three to five years.
  • Chapter 13 bankruptcy provides the applicant with court-ordered protection from collections efforts and creditor harassment.
  • Threats of foreclosure will be required to stop immediately upon filing.
  • Chapter 13 bankruptcy will likely allow the applicant to keep his or her home.

Bankruptcy may be the best and most practical solution for you. If you are searching for a way to keep your home, you could benefit from seeking the qualified opinion of an experienced South Carolina bankruptcy attorney.

The strong financial future you need and deserve

Life is unpredictable, and the circumstances that led to your debt problem may have been beyond your control. Fortunately, you can fight back against threats of foreclosure and seek the peace of mind you need and deserve. When you know the legal options available to you and have a full understanding of your rights as a consumer, you can lay the foundation for a strong financial future.

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