Monthly credit card balances a problem in South Carolina

On Behalf of | Oct 18, 2017 | Credit Card Debt |

Popular media often portrays credit card debt as the result of irresponsible spending and splurging. This can leave many people feeling alone and isolated in their debt when they have to use credit cards for necessities. Consequently, it can be incredibly difficult for South Carolina debtors who have trouble surmounting monthly balances.

A recent survey found that 28 percent of people in the United States carry credit card balances over from one month to the next. Of those, 43 percent have dealt with ongoing balances for two years or more. The survey also found that those earning less than $50,000 annually were less likely to carry credit card balances than those who earned more, with a respective difference of 24 and 38 percent.

A separate poll surveyed over 2,000 adults and asked why they carried debt from month to month. The most commonly reported answer was to handle daily living expenses. Even individuals who work hard and do their best to save money usually end up having to use credit cards for necessities at some point in life. Whether for vehicle repair, medical bills or another financial emergency, it might become necessary to pay for groceries on a credit card.

Credit card debt can become an insurmountable beast, forcing individuals in South Carolina to dodge harassing calls from creditors. Some must even make the difficult decision between paying a bill or purchasing groceries. Personal bankruptcy is an effective approach to halting creditors’ attempts to recover debt while helping lay a foundation for a more secure financial future.

Source:, “Carrying credit card debt? You’re not alone”, Patricia Sabatini, Oct. 9, 2017

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