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Columbia South Carolina Bankruptcy Law Blog

Reed Law Firm, P.A. is a federally designated debt relief agency in South Carolina. We proudly help people file for bankruptcy relief under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

Can I File for Bankruptcy More Than Once in South Carolina?

Yes. You can file for bankruptcy more than once in South Carolina. Most people file for bankruptcy to get a discharge. This is an order that eliminates all qualifying debts. The court grants this order at the conclusion of the debtor’s bankruptcy case. Take note, however, that bankruptcy discharges are not unlimited.

Whether you are considering filing for bankruptcy for the first time or are thinking of filing for bankruptcy again, it’s best to discuss your situation with a South Carolina bankruptcy attorney. They can evaluate your specific case and recommend the best options available to you.

When Can I Receive a Second Bankruptcy Discharge?

There are specific time limits to obtain a second bankruptcy discharge, and they vary based on whether you’re planning on filing for a Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy and the first bankruptcy type in which you got the discharge:

What Happens If My First Bankruptcy Case Was Dismissed?

If your first bankruptcy case was dismissed, regardless of whether it’s a Chapter 13 or Chapter 7, you can generally file again. Sometimes you can file again immediately, or sometimes there may be a waiting period such as 180 days. Of course, all of this is true unless your case was dismissed because of fraud, or the court prohibits you from refiling. However, if you file again in a couple of years, the court may limit your automatic stay protection. In addition, you can file a complaint again even if the court doesn’t give you a discharge. However, the court may not allow you to discharge the debts included in your dismissed bankruptcy case.

To find out if you can file for bankruptcy again, contact Reed Law Firm and schedule your free case evaluation with our South Carolina bankruptcy attorney by calling 803-726-4888 or reaching us online.


Talk to a Lawyer Today About the Benefits of Filing Bankruptcy

For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer, give our office a call or schedule a free consultation.