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You may assume that past due tax debt to the Internal Revenue Service will haunt you forever. You may think that the IRS will hound you forever with aggressive collection actions to secure the unpaid taxes.
At Reed Law Firm, P.A., the job of our attorneys goes far beyond advocating for South Carolina residents in bankruptcy proceedings. Often, the first step is communicating the facts, not the fiction, to our clients. That includes the chance to reorganize or discharge past due taxes.
Few collection actions are as punishing as a powerful taxing authority filing liens against you and garnishing your wages. Take action toward a fresh start. Call our Columbia-based firm at 803-726-4888 or our Florence law office at 843-679-0077 today.
Stop IRS Aggressive Collection Actions
While you may not be able to discharge a tax debt recently incurred, you have the chance to reorganize it under a Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing. That can give you an affordable payment plan and prevent the IRS from taking aggressive collection actions against you. Their tactics of filing tax liens, seizing assets and garnishing wages only makes a bad financial situation worse. Bankruptcy can stop this collection action by the IRS and reorganize that debt.
The Chance to Discharge Your Tax Debt
At Reed Law Firm, P.A., we can file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing on your behalf to discharge older tax debt. The courts often look upon the aged amounts similar to how they deem credit card debt and medical bills. Believe it or not, when it comes to the IRS or any other taxing authority, you can get out from under the debt and end tax liens.
Contact Us
For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced lawyer regarding past-due taxes and how a bankruptcy filing can help, please contact us.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.