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Giving You Hope for a Better Tomorrow

Columbia South Carolina Bankruptcy Law Blog

Reed Law Firm, P.A. is a federally designated debt relief agency in South Carolina. We proudly help people file for bankruptcy relief under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

How Bankruptcy Attorneys in South Carolina Can Help You

Millions of people will face financial challenges and consider filing for bankruptcy at some point in their lives. While the mere idea of filing for bankruptcy might seem stressful, it can restore your finances and let you build a more stable financial foundation for you and your family. The benefits often outweigh the drawbacks when bankruptcy is the right choice for your household.

At Reed Law Firm, we know that fixing your finances can be challenging and complicated, so we have dedicated our practice to helping clients understand how bankruptcy works and how it can help them. For almost 20 years, our South Carolina bankruptcy attorneys have helped numerous clients reset their financial health. Let us do the same for you. Here’s what you can expect when you choose to work with our South Carolina bankruptcy attorneys.

Handle Your Bankruptcy Case From Start to Finish

Our South Carolina bankruptcy attorney will:

Increase Your Chances of Winning Your Bankruptcy Case

While there’s no law preventing you from filing for bankruptcy by yourself, doing so could make your situation worse. Based on a recent American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) report, 94% of people who filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy with the guidance of a bankruptcy attorney won their case and discharged their debts, while less than 50% of people who filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy without a bankruptcy attorney won their case.

Our South Carolina bankruptcy attorneys provide ongoing communication with clients, so they’re always updated about their cases. They can also help with legal issues that may arise during your case. For instance, some creditors may not respect an automatic stay and continue hounding you to pay your debt, even if it violates a court order.

Your attorney can also ask the court to hold in contempt creditors that keep on contacting you and forcing you to pay them. In addition, they can help with post-bankruptcy creditor violations if a creditor tries to collect a debt you’ve already discharged through bankruptcy.

Reach Out to Our Seasoned South Carolina Bankruptcy Attorneys Now

Whether you’re worried about the state of your overall financial health, have maxed out your credit card, are in danger of losing your vehicle or home, or have mounting debt that you can’t possibly pay, contact the South Carolina bankruptcy attorneys at Reed Law Firm right away to discuss your circumstances and potential solutions. Dial 803-726-4888 or reach us online to arrange your free case consultation today.


Talk to a Lawyer Today About the Benefits of Filing Bankruptcy

For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer, give our office a call or schedule a free consultation.